Studies have shown that the purchase of non-strategic assets in the companies surveyed accounts for only 40% of the operational expenditure but up to 70% of all transaction costs*.
[*Source Accenture - study. 2003. Purchasing and payment processes and the importance of procurement cards p.8]
Recurring procurement of toners and ink cartridges makes up a significant proportion of these transaction costs and is also the starting point for our free Managed Print Services.
A software solution that fully automates your needs procurement.
Our Managed Print solution offers you the opportunity to rationalise and automate the entire ordering process for your supplies requirements in order to make it more cost-effective. As soon as the printer indicates a low level in the cartridge, we receive an automated email. This means that, even before you realise the ink is running out, we can send you the cartridges at special prices negotiated beforehand.